Casual Nonsense


Oak City Entertainment

Episode 11: Oak City Entertainment Host: @marcdiette Guest: Dylan Hudock Dylan is a military vet with an appreciation of music. We share our […]


Star Wars Roundup

Bonus Episode: Star Wars Roundup Host: @marcdiette Guest: @lord_bouz May the 4th be with you! Lord Bouz is back, and we walk through


Red Chocolate

Episode 10: Red Chocolate Host: @marcdiette Guest: Glenn Gardone He’s not quite Will Wonka, but he is working his towards it. In this


Marvel Villains

Episode 9: Marvel Villains Host: @marcdiette Guest: Tim Whonder Does Marvel have a Villain problem? Tim, as huge Marvel, fan comes back on


Dream Your Dream

Episode 8: Dream Your Dream Host: @marcdiette Guest: Shaun Allen Shaun leads by example when he suggests that you dream your dream. What


Music Bingo w/Brent V

Bonus Episode: Music Bingo w/Brent V Host: @marcdiette Back by popular demand, we welcome Brent Van Wilder back to the show for a


Tap, Snap, or Nap

Episode 7: Tap, Snap, or Nap Host: @marcdiette Guest: Jake Polansky Today I am joined by, the soon to be champion of the


Zombie Survivors?

Episode 6: Zombie Survivors? Host: @marcdiette Guest: Lord Bouz & Cousin Sean This episode is the epitome of nonsense. What happens if we


King of Hustle

Episode 5: King of Hustle Host – @marcdiette Josh Snead – @jsnead9 The newly crowned King of Hustle joins me, and we talk


Goals, Babies, & Beyond

Episode 4: Goals, Babies, & Beyond Host – @marcdiette Jan’e Muriithi Instagram @debtfreelabornurse In this episode I welcome the amazing Jan’e to the


Friendly Nonsense

Episode 3: Friendly Nonsense Host – @Marc Diette Tim Whonder Finally, Tim has decided to join a podcast, I’m lucky be the pod


This is the Way

Episode 2: This is the Way Host: Marc Diette Lord Bouz makes his first appearance on the show, as we discuss the hassle

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